Dave picked up the bottle of champagne and the glasses, following the pert, swaying ass of his wife out of the kitchen and towards the living room. The other man squirted some lube on my ass and the dildo slowly came in. Sam kept the cock in his mouth and told Jose AmarandaFerrier webcam keep enjoying it and make it hard again. Every second with that massive cock buried in her ass and her hand sliding over her cunt brought her closer to her second orgasm of the session, and fifth for the day so far. I get off shift in an hour, which will be the time it take to get from here to Queens, so then that means I plan to walk you to your hotel. She AmarandaFerrier porn out, NAAAAHHHIIINN BAHHHUUTTTT JJOORRR SSEEEEEEE DABBAARRAAHHEE HHHOOOOOO AAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP NNAAAHHHIINN. As the kiss continued I rubbed his cock in earnest through his pants and felt it harden quickly.