We didn’t talk; what would we talk about; we were still strangers that had just suddenly given in to our urges and nothing more. Wearing just shorts, t-shirt, and DahliaHazel webcam I stripped completely and began to stroke my cock as I opened the booth door a couple of inches. She shoved the load into my mouth with her tongue, and I reveled in the thick texture and salty musky flavor before I swallowed. I couldnt fit it all in my mouth deep throating lessons would come later but didnt neglect any of his shaft or his balls with my hands. Cathy mounted me, felt between her legs for my cock, and guided it back into the warm DahliaHazel porn of her vagina. The two chatted about their days and enjoyed the tasty meal. Thats a safe bet – there aint nothing going on down there tonight honey.