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Sam hissed when the head popped through and he looked down at me, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?” Even though I nodded, he saw the tear tracks on my cheeks. “Mare, we can stop.” “No, keep going. I wanted her to yield, wanted to enter the gates of heaven myself. Good grief, she moaned when she saw her face, all puffy and stained with semen. I noticed her EdisonSmith webcam shoulders and neck start to turn red as the blush spread into her cheeks. And since EdisonSmith porn top of the stool had a U-form, her entire groin area as well as the middle part of her tummy was exposed again. She sat her rounded rump back on her heals and put her cold hands between her legs, warming them with the heat from her already tingling crotch. I ran into the house thinking Susan had fallen or something and stopped short in the kitchen doorway.