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My wife didnt need any convincing, being drunk as all of us were. she trailed off as she continued to try to breathe and as quivering aftershocks of her orgasm cut her off. She knew that he wouldnt like the way that it looked so she reached over ElectraMartins webcam touched ElectraMartins porn toes, watching as her breasts almost fell out of the cups of the bra on the way down. She was much too caught up in the attention to notice us surrounding her. He moves off the bed and stands against the wall, taking in the sight of me sprawled out over the bed, wearing nothing at all aside from my mark designating my body as his. I want your cock in my mouth while you eat my pussy, she moaned, and soon his clothes were on the floor and he crawled into bed on top of her, forcing his dick into her mouth as he ate her pussy.