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She rolled over onto her knees, sliding some pillows underneath her upper body, looking over her shoulder to wink at me. She was wearing the same warmup outfit, with nothing underneath. Cleo had a date tonight, so Im covering the phones as well as my usual duties, Adelle said, faux indignant. As ever this work is mine and mine alone, please dont publish it elsewhere or claim it as yours. JessicaGibson porn continued sucking me for a few more minutes, before pulling her lips from around my cock and running her tongue up the underside of my shaft. I smile as she buries her head into my body as I kneel on the table in front of her. With my other hand, I kept the dildo pumping in and out of her cunt……and before I knew it, her entire body was spasming over the desk…..shaking and violently throbbing……and to my amazement, my cock exploded once again, filling her tight JessicaGibson webcam ass with another generous helping of warm cum……