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She then reached over and grabbed the lube, putting a large glob onto the end of her phallus and another on my already lubed sphincter. Fretting over how the night was going to unfold and just being plain nervous. Mike shifted enough that he could bring his mouth down to her breasts, and began to suck on her nipples, pulling at them lightly with his teeth the way he knew she liked. When Gilbert saw the post-it note, he barked out a laugh before apologizing. This was the first time since our initial anal encounter that she had shown an interest in anal play. We had spent previous days drinking, flirting with women, getting horny from flirting and going somewhere to fuck or finger or play, and repeat. She forgot the discomfort she KoraFaith webcam felt leaving the bar with a man she barely knew, she forgot her husband and her prudish feelings of insecurity, and finally she forgot her nervous anticipation of being anally fucked by a complete stranger. He threw her down on the bed, and reached forward to slide her skirt up again, grabbing her ankles and pulling them apart, then he lowered his KoraFaith porn between her legs.