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As her thoughts strayed, she adjusted her position on the sofa to being laid on her her back, she sipped the last of her wine and set the glass down on the oak coffee table. She was tight and hot and nasty and he gripped her hips as he shoved in and out of her butt hole. The smell of it was LindsayJee porn our nostrils by now as we both smiled and eventually laughed at the somewhat embarrassing but completely satisfying reality of what had just taken place. Finally, after adding more jelly, I was pumping the girls ass. She draws back, hand twisting around as it follows her lips toward the tip, her grip tight, her lips pulling hard until they reach his crown and then following her hand back down. He took to them like a real champ and we both new what the next step was. I knew I had enough on my phone to charge him with sexual harassment, but really was intrigued with where he was going. When I thought I was going to faint again from the intense and ultimate joy of excruciating pain on my nipples, he whispered again, Masturbate, whore.