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When she climaxed, Lynn grabbed my head and pressed my face tightly against her delectable pussy, which is exactly where my face wanted to be anyhow, with my mouth still tightly holding her clit and my tongue still wrestling with the man in the boat. And great breasts, which strained to get out from her tight, short, silvery dress. I lost my husband, the love of my life, a little over 4 years ago. We retired to the sofa with fresh drinks and watched a litle TV. Just being near you felt good and I thought we could have RossyLemont webcam fun together. My finger, RossyLemont porn in her honey-sweet juices, strayed to her asshole and she relaxed expertly as I pushed, swallowing my digit quite easily. Immediately suggesting we skip the wedding and head straight to the hotel room, we stopped our joking and bid goodbye to our little daughter and walked out to the car.