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So, although I think I do a good job of explaining the Spanish words I use during the heat of the moment, here is a brief advance glossary: Puta: whore Gringa: whore – a term used by Dominicans for Americanized Dominicans Chula: cute or sexy PS: If any VioletaMay webcam these are used incorrectly, I apologize in advance. He shuffled a few steps over to a shelf where he removed an absorbent pad used for catching vehicle fluids and placed it on the floor next to the cot. I think he must have thought that I was going to let him suck on my breast milk tonight, something he had joked VioletaMay porn You dont have to worry about that either, she smiled, Do I need to worry about you? She was standing on all fours, and a man was behind her, but you could not see anything clearly beyond her fantastically expressive face. I pull the covers from you and reach for your hand to fasten one end of the necktie around you wrist.